Why did the directors and Leo not really do anything at first when she was getting bullied? Why did the jury start getting mad at her for no reason? Stargirl can sense that Leo acts differently towards her so that is why she sent him a valentine. Flounced: moving in an exaggerated manner. I am predicting in chapter 14 is that things will start to get intense when it comes to people judging and being rude to Stargirl. For chapter 13, I believe that Stargirl will leave and she will start crying and get really emotional and sad. I think that Stargirl will get somewhat offended with the questions that they will ask. In chapter 12, I think that the hot seat won't go as planned. She gets kicked off of the cheer team and Hillari pulls a mean prank on her. Since she started cheering at the football and basketball games, she started to lose her popularity because she cheered for the opposite team when they scored. She also enters into this oratorical contest where she ends up doing great in. Review: Since Stargirl became a cheerleader, she is now popular and is known throughout the entire school. In my lifetime, I have been to many basketball games yet I have never seen a cheer leader cheer for the other team so that to me is a bit weird. Why did she start climbing the post? Why did Stargirl want to go to a funeral to someone who she did not know? Convoy rolling: a pack of people flowing in. In 11 I think that the students will start to hate her because of all her actions. In chapter ten, I think that Leo will start to really like her. My prediction for chapter nine is that Hillari will start to get jealous with Stargirl. Since Stargirl is starting to get more popular with everyone, but I think something big is going to happen with her or the students are going to start being mean to her. Leo goes to his friend Archie's house who gives him advice about Stargirl. The cheer team invited Stargirl to be on the team and she says yes. While Kevin sits at the football he calls Leo to come and so he does and Stargirl is there dancing and making a fool of herself. He is dating Hillari Kimble who is captain of the cheerleading team. No sports, not involved in any activities, and gets okay grades. Review: Wayne Parr was introduced and he is probably the most popular boy in school but he really does nothing. Since Kevin liked going to football games, I could relate to this because I love going to football games, and since I cheer at every game, I understood what it is like. Why was everyone so obsessed with Wayne Parr even though he did not do anything? What is rara avis? In chapter six I think that the reason why Mallori asked Stargirl to join the cheerleading squad is because they were planning some sort of plot against her. Hillari only asked Stargirl to be on the cheer team so that it would bring attention to the cheer team and get more people to come to the games. Leo was describing Wayne Parr so much and explained why he was on the hot seat because everyone liked him. In seven I thought that Stargirl would get more and more popular. Just like my chapter four prediction, I believe in chapter five Stargirl will keep doing a lot of weird stuff. In chapter four, I predict that she is going to do more crazy stuff in front of her whole class and more. She played her ukulele, and dressed weird and it showed how all the students really judged her. In these chapters, Jerry really focused on Stargirl and how there was no one like her. Review: In chapters 1-3, Jerry Spinelli introduced many characters who were Leo: the narrator, Kevin: Leo's best friend, Hillari Kimble: the popular girl, and Stargirl: the new girl. She wore everything she wanted to, and she did her hair the way she liked it and not what everyone wanted her to do. Everyday in my economics class, there was a student who really wasn't afraid to be herself. Why was she playing the ukulele in front of everyone? Why did she set out a vase and put a daisy in it six times a day? Elusive: difficult to catch, find, or achieve. Also in chapter three I imagined the rat on Stargirl's shoulder. When he was explaining how the cactus looked I imagined the ping pong paddles. I pictured a whole lunch room filled with students. In chapter three I thought that Stargirl was never going to make friends and everyone will hate her for her weirdness.

In chapter two I predicted that Stargirl was going to get bullied. In chapter one, I thought that we were going to be introduced to a character who really was a star but she was disguised as a normal person.