“Always Show Markers/Banking" option in RCSpline.keeps gizmos visible when the spline is selected.Includes Generator->"X Rotation" and Banking. Return direction vectors along the spline for the current segment. Added XSplineXDirection, XSplineYDirection, XSplineZDirection attributes to expressions.Includes Generator->X Rotation and banking. Added expression attribute 'XSplineXRotation': rotation angle along the spline for current segment (-PI to PI radians).You can overcome it by dragging the gizmo multiple times. The angle can be any value (including greater than 360), but there is a limitation of -180/180 using the gizmo.Banking Smoothness can be adjusted with the new Generator->Banking->Smoothness value.The Banking Angle can be forced for a specific segment, using a Transform operator’s new Deform->"Override Banking" parameter.
When using multiple RC SPline modifiers, the Banking modifier can be selected per generator using the Rules->Banking->Modifier settings.Banking points can be adjusted interactively in the viewport, or by modifying their parameters in the rollout (Percent / Angle).Basically, it works as Generator->X Rotation, but at multiple spline positions. It lets you adjust the banking angle along the spline.Added modifier modes to Generator->Evenly->Adaptive: Even, Odd and Any.Each item has an associated float value, which is returned as the parameter's output.This enables a parameter to be selected from a list of predefined items, which are shown in Max rollout using a combo list.Added a new type of Numeric Parameter called Selector.When a Group is deleted from the scene, it's removed from RailClone as well. Groups cannot be 'embedded' within a RC object.It's not possible to pick a group directly from the scene. To assign a group, use Selector by Name (H on the keyboard).Added support for 3DS Max groups in Segments.Non-geometric segments are previewed in the viewport with a Material ID defined in the Display->"Non-geom Mat.ID" parameter.If it affects your style, we recommend using the Segment’s Fixed Size feature. The size of some non-geometric objects may not be reliably read by RailClone or it may change depending on the active viewport.As a workaround, objects are inserted in the scene before rendering and removed once completed.

This new feature allows you to bake a RailClone object into the scene or an external file.